San Diego Newborn Photographer // Baby Everly

Oh these sessions. My heart swoons. Every. Single. Time.

I say it over and over again but the joy that photographing a first born gives me is out of this world. The fingers you longed to count, the hair you waited to stroke, the little body you yearned to hold on in your arms.

That baby is here. And for the first time in your lifetime, your heart is living outside your chest.

These moments are why I photograph. These are the moments you’ll look back on with happy tears, knowing just how exhausted you were, you’ll remember how your body raced with all the post-partum emotions and the extra belly skin that just held your baby. The days (and nights) were so long, but this time was so fleeting. It was so precious. For me, to be a part of this time is such an honor.

Welcome Sweet Everly. You are so loved. Thank you Taylor and Aimee for letting me in to your new world. <3


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