Newborn Lifestyle // Baby Elliott

One of the biggest joys I have photographing newborns is watching a family grow. 4.5 years ago I met the Saunders family as they welcomed their first bundle, Greyson. Since then we’ve watched him grow through our lens, and now he’s a big brother! Welcome to the world sweet Elliott, you have the sweetest parents and a big brother who is sure to show you all his tricks!

Check out this adorable little chunk!! He’s 4 weeks old, and while I like to photograph newborns within the first 2 weeks after birth, that didn’t keep us from capturing some sweet moments, as well as some sleepy ones too. This stage, while exhausting, is so precious. Love being able to capture this time for my families. Especially mamas, it can be a whirl of a fog for sure. I guarantee booking a newborn lifestyle session is an investment that will return on your heart strings for decades to come.

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